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(903) 301-0114

East Texas/Tyler Office

Why is my Skylight Leaking After a New Roof?

Why is my Skylight Leaking After a New Roof?

There are many reasons for this situation. Poor installation causes gaps or holes that allow water in or the slope of the new roof is too low. High winds will force the shingles up and water gets in under the lifted shingles. Making contact with the roofing contractor and submitting a warranty claim could cut the costs to zero, depending on your arrangements in advance.

What to do When My Roof is Leaking?

Get the buckets out to catch the water that is getting in. Then call a reputable roofing contractor to come and assess the situation to effect the necessary repair.

When you are having problems with your skylight, like leaks, there is Our staff has been providing effective solutions for skylight problems for decades. Our host of services runs the gamut of skylight repair. We can replace glass panels, replace worn-out gaskets and add new sealant. Also, when the flashing has failed, we can replace that too if your extrusions need to be addressed. We can re-glaze glass panels and transform them into high-performing or safety panels.

Why is my Skylight Leaking After a New Roof?Why is my Skylight Leaking After a New Roof?

How Much Does It Cost to Repair a Leaking Skylight?

It depends on the nature of the repair. If you have problems just after installation, the contractor may perform the repair free of charge as the leak has come from an installation problem.

To discuss your skylight situation, please call the office close to your home or business.

East Texas/Tyler: (903)301-0114

Central Texas/Round Rock: (512)253-4400

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